Leo doesn't like it and talks about it to Archie, who is a retired paleontologist friend. They punish him because he is associating with her by pretending he doesn't exist.

They begin walking together in the hallways and hanging out on weekends however, when they are at school, Leo notices that people ignore them. Leo shows up in her driveway one evening, and they talk, and it's clear they want to date. She also gives Leo a special card, telling him that she likes him. The next day, Valentine's Day, she gives her homeroom candy hearts as if nothing happened. Due to their harsh judgments, the episode is never aired. In the meantime, Leo has scheduled her to appear on Hot Seat, which turns out to be a disaster with the jury bullying Stargirl, asking questions about why she changes the words to the pledge of allegiance or why she came to their school to begin with. After the next game when she keeps smiling and cheering, despite the fact that their team is losing badly, they kick her off the squad. They play a trick on Stargirl, leaving her behind at the following away game to show their disapproval. Her teammates are upset that she would support the opposing team in this way, especially since their basketball team has gone undefeated all year. Then when she is cheering at a basketball game, a student on the opposing team gets hurt, and Stargirl rushes to comfort him. These gestures are meant to show her affection, but people aren't used to such love from strangers. She shows up to the funeral of a man she doesn't know then buys a child who broke his arm a new bicycle. However, sometimes Stargirl's kindness crosses the line. It is clear that Leo has feelings for Stargirl in the way that he is embarrassed whenever she notices him. Then some students begin mimicking her style by carrying instruments or wearing interesting backpacks. Stargirl's popularity continues to rise as a few brave students, including a freshman named Dori Dilson, agree to sit with her at lunch. The cheerleading captain, Mallory Stillwell, officially asks Stargirl to become a cheerleader the following week as her antics drew a crowd. Stargirl gains attention at a football game on weekend when she joins the cheerleaders on the field and does a bunch of crazy stunts. One popular senior girl, Hillari Kimble, does not like Stargirl and threatens to drop her rat down a flight of stairs, but she doesn't do it.

Leo and his best friend Kevin Quinlan talk about putting her on their school television show called Hot Seat to find out more about this strange student, but Leo puts off talking to her for a long time.

Very friendly and kind, people are embarrassed to sit with her because she is so odd: singing happy birthday to people at lunch and dancing outside in the rain. She dresses differently from the other girls, she carries a ukulele and a pet rat, and she was previously homeschooled. Everyone talks about her because she is so unique. A new girl, named Stargirl Carraway, appears at school the first day of his junior year she is a sophomore. The majority of the book takes place when he is sixteen. The novel Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli is told from the first-person point of view of Leo Borlock.